What's New
2 September 2021 * Latest
RO search by Invoice - Now, can search by Insurance Invoice as well

Order Search option in Add Expense and Part Purchase page - Shows Repair Orders with all status

Added a TDS deduct option as a New Payment method

Can use Packages which are customized as per Brand and model
Improvised GST Reports for Expenses.
Parts deletion restricted from UI.
Added Vehicle search module in More section.

Many more improvements and bug fixes
26 January 2021
Vehicle ownership improvement.
Enhanced payment due report
Improved category wise filter and search for parts and services.
New reports like monthly, daily, account payable reports added.
Google calendar sync to also include the address and other details of an appointment

Service master based on category CSV upload and search improved.
Improved expense workflow.
Option to change order status of counter sale

Improvised appointment to have google map and custom address while booking the appointment
System to generate reference number once stock-in is done and same to show in inventory stock-in report report

Improved GST Reports.
Many more Improvements and bug fixes.
18 June 2020
Online payment framework is now available
Today's time everyone is moving to digital transactions and avoiding cash, we have launched a brand new
integrated payment framework which allows you to take online payments directly to your bank account.
contact us today to enable it for you.

Option to save/open reports to google drive.

Now, navigate to the client location with one click & setup status of appointment.

Activity log and CRM logging in timeline manner for orders, appointment, feedback and reminders.

WhatsApp and call tracking systems are now available.
All new improved appointment system.
Service reminder report is now available in the reports section.
All new Booking portal with an option to attach images.

Time slot and capacity management while booking the appointment and link them with your google calendar automatically.
Option to view linked appointments and the linked expense in order details page.
Option to change status in counter-sale is now available.
Improved appointment and service reminder modules.
Order completion date column added in service out report.
Customer email-id column added in invoice export report.
Many more improvements and bug fixes.
RO search by Invoice - Now, can search by Insurance Invoice as well

Order Search option in Add Expense and Part Purchase page - Shows Repair Orders with all status

Added a TDS deduct option as a New Payment method

Can use Packages which are customized as per Brand and model
Improvised GST Reports for Expenses.
Parts deletion restricted from UI.
Added Vehicle search module in More section.

Many more improvements and bug fixes
26 January 2021
Vehicle ownership improvement.
Enhanced payment due report
Improved category wise filter and search for parts and services.
New reports like monthly, daily, account payable reports added.
Google calendar sync to also include the address and other details of an appointment

Service master based on category CSV upload and search improved.
Improved expense workflow.
Option to change order status of counter sale

Improvised appointment to have google map and custom address while booking the appointment
System to generate reference number once stock-in is done and same to show in inventory stock-in report report

Improved GST Reports.
Many more Improvements and bug fixes.
18 June 2020
Online payment framework is now available
Today's time everyone is moving to digital transactions and avoiding cash, we have launched a brand new
integrated payment framework which allows you to take online payments directly to your bank account.
contact us today to enable it for you.

Option to save/open reports to google drive.

Now, navigate to the client location with one click & setup status of appointment.

Activity log and CRM logging in timeline manner for orders, appointment, feedback and reminders.

WhatsApp and call tracking systems are now available.
All new improved appointment system.
Service reminder report is now available in the reports section.
All new Booking portal with an option to attach images.

Time slot and capacity management while booking the appointment and link them with your google calendar automatically.
Option to view linked appointments and the linked expense in order details page.
Option to change status in counter-sale is now available.
Improved appointment and service reminder modules.
Order completion date column added in service out report.
Customer email-id column added in invoice export report.
Many more improvements and bug fixes.
Updated on: 03/09/2021
Thank you!