User Module FAQ
I am getting " User Already Exists " message. What to do?
ANS : The number you are trying to add as user might be already present in the system. Search Active Users and Inactive Users. If you still not able to find the user, report this to us. We will help you.
Can I Activate the removed User again?
ANS : Yes, you can activate the user again. Go to Settings -> Garage Users -> Inactive Users - > Search the User -> Activate the User

ANS : The number you are trying to add as user might be already present in the system. Search Active Users and Inactive Users. If you still not able to find the user, report this to us. We will help you.
Can I Activate the removed User again?
ANS : Yes, you can activate the user again. Go to Settings -> Garage Users -> Inactive Users - > Search the User -> Activate the User

Updated on: 12/07/2021
Thank you!